Monday, May 16, 2011

Farmville Tricks and Tips

There are many Farmville tricks and tips that you can use to help you level up quick
in Farmville. You have to be careful though as some of the tricks and tips can be
deemed as being illegal by Facebook. If you are using illegal tricks to level up fast
on Farmville then you risk having your Facebook account being closed down.

Many of the Farmville tips and tricks that you can use will help you to level up
quicker than normal some of the best ones to use are easy to find just by doing a
search on Google. What I am going to do here though is to show you a few easy tips
and tricks to help you get started on Farmville.
One of the many Farmville tricks and trips you can use is to speed up your
harvesting and plowing by boxing your farmer in. You can do this by building a
barrier around him or her using things like fence panels, straw bales or anything
else you have on your farm. You must make sure that you trap the farmer on the
piece of land that he starts off from when you sign into your farm each time.
Doing this will mean that when you plow, sow, or harvest a plot of land, you will not
have to wait for your farmer to walk all the way to the part you are working on.
Another tip is to help your neighbours as much as you can.
You can earn money and experience points for helping out your neighbours.
Sometime you will even be awarded banners that will earn you even more money
and point just for being a helpful neighbour. It will also be more likely that the
people you help out will return the favour at some time or another.
One of the best Farmville tricks and tips I have found though, is checking which
neighbours and friends have been awarded ribbons or awards by Farmville. When
this happens you are asked if you want to post your reward to all your friends and
share the wealth. Some people decline to do this as it can slow Farmville down
whilst you wait for Facebook to post it up.
If people decline posting their achievement up on Facebook how do you get to
share their prize? One way is to go onto your home page on Facebook and on the
left hand side of the page you will see a list of icons you can click on. Underneath
the last icon it says "more", Click on the word "more" and more icons will be
revealed. One of these icons will be Farmville.
Click on the Farmville icon and you will be show a list of all your neighbours that
have been awarded extra points of banners in Farmville. Underneath each of their
awards it will say "get a bonus from them" click on that and if it is not too long after
the award was given to them you will be awarded anywhere from 50 to 250 coins

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