Now Vodafone has come
up with the latest music
super week just for you
guys! Starting from today
i.e may 14 to may 20 you
will have the opportunity of downloading songs from
various genres upto 10songs per
day. I hope the songs are
not as bad as the cheap games they offered
previously. Go to their
zoozoo fan page and like it.
If you are a
Vodafone user you may
win super zoozoo goodies just for using the free offers.
To activate sms SUPER to
111. Or you can directly go to
if you are using vodafone
live. Use default vodafone
settings or you
are sure to lose balance in
Review: As per the information I could gather
at the fan page I can say
that for some users these
offers were chargeable.
One user complains of
being looted of 80 rupees for downloading 5 songs.
When I downloaded games
I too was charged a little
amount for browsing
(which they profess to be
free) but that was not a big amount. I downloaded 10
games. But most of them
are crappy stuff. Many
users are getting cool
goodies everyday and
there is a special preview ad just for the fans before
every super week. The
page has crossed 16 lakh
83 thousand likes!!
up with the latest music
super week just for you
guys! Starting from today
i.e may 14 to may 20 you
will have the opportunity of downloading songs from
various genres upto 10songs per
day. I hope the songs are
not as bad as the cheap games they offered
previously. Go to their
zoozoo fan page and like it.
If you are a
Vodafone user you may
win super zoozoo goodies just for using the free offers.
To activate sms SUPER to
111. Or you can directly go to
if you are using vodafone
live. Use default vodafone
settings or you
are sure to lose balance in
Review: As per the information I could gather
at the fan page I can say
that for some users these
offers were chargeable.
One user complains of
being looted of 80 rupees for downloading 5 songs.
When I downloaded games
I too was charged a little
amount for browsing
(which they profess to be
free) but that was not a big amount. I downloaded 10
games. But most of them
are crappy stuff. Many
users are getting cool
goodies everyday and
there is a special preview ad just for the fans before
every super week. The
page has crossed 16 lakh
83 thousand likes!!
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